(1) (2) (3) (4) VARIABLES LABELS Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield lnicoysize Company Size -2.170 -3.587*** -5.371** 0.541 [0.107] [0.000] [0.006] [0.835] icoyage Age of company 0.006 0.008 0.001 0.026 [0.602] [0.588] [0.975] [0.149] announcedyear Announced Year -0.361*** -0.066 -0.192 -0.486** [0.000] [0.382] [0.307] [0.009] numfounder Number of Founders 0.908 0.172 0.668 -0.065 [0.578] [0.646] [0.337] [0.828] irevenue Est Revenue 0.036 -0.096 1.130 -0.661 [0.898] [0.642] [0.105] [0.128] ifunding Funding Received -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 [0.337] [0.207] [0.134] [0.265] ipostatuscode IPO Status 1.915*** 0.875 14.935 -0.009 [0.000] [0.103] [0.938] [0.997] ipcount Patents Granted -0.209** -0.526 0.034 2.541 [0.002] [0.485] [0.771] [.] lnnumapps No. of Mobile Apps 28.312 -0.263 -0.215 -0.905+ [.] [0.482] [0.544] [0.077] lntechcount No. of Tech Adopted -0.890* -0.222 -1.186 0.252 [0.014] [0.390] [0.165] [0.444] Constant Constant 732.207*** 140.217 370.906 982.118** [0.000] [0.361] [.] [0.009] Observations 206 168 104 57 Robust pval in brackets *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, * p<0.05, + p<0.1